Friday 18th October

Would you like to experience one of my Supper Clubs on your own or in a small group (max 4) and get to enjoy my food while meeting new people? If so, then this is the event for you!

If you haven’t been to a Supper Club before; this is how it works. Guests are asked to arrive at my home in Abbotskerswell for 7pm. This will be a 6-course menu at £70pp. Everyone will eat the same dish for each course and the evening will last around 3 hours or so. You bring your own booze, sit back, enjoy nice food and get to meet new people. I’ll be cooking in the same space and am more than happy to join in conversations and answer questions etc.

This menu will be a surprise on the evening, consisting of some dishes that are on my current menu’s, plus some new dishes. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this event and working in my home kitchen, I am unable to accommodate any allergens I’m afraid. If you have any real food hates, please let me know and I’ll try my best to accommodate them. This event is aimed at those who have few food dislikes. Having said this, I will play it reasonably safe, so don’t worry, it won’t be a bushtucker trial meal!

I’ve hosted a couple ‘shared-table’ events before and they were really fun and lots of guests are still in touch and became friends off the back of them. I have enough people now to make this event go ahead. Hurrah! Mostly people coming alone, one couple, and a good mix of male to female too, so it should be a good bunch of people. Now that it is going ahead, I have removed the deadline for bookings and as my table can seat up to 12, you are not too late to book and join in if you haven’t already done so. Just drop me an email:

If you have any questions at all, please click the ‘contact’ button at the top of my website.

I hope to cook for you soon!

Would you prefer me to cook for you and your own group of friends/family? Why not book me for a normal Supper Club or Private Dining event? Click the relevant tabs at the top of my website for more info.